Discord Roles Not Working

Discord Roles Not Working

Discord is one of the most popular communication platforms for gamers, with over 250 million users. Discord allows users to set up their own servers and customize them with roles and channels. Unfortunately, sometimes Discord roles don't work as expected, and this can be very frustrating. In this article, we'll discuss why Discord roles might not be working and how to fix the issue.

What are Discord Roles?

Discord roles are a way to assign certain permissions to certain users in a Discord server. For example, a role might give users the ability to manage a channel, or post images. Discord roles also allow you to assign different colors to users, and can be used to create groups of users with similar interests. Discord roles are a great way to organize your server and give users different levels of access.

Why Aren't My Discord Roles Working?

There are several reasons why your Discord roles might not be working. The most common reason is that the role has not been properly set up. To ensure that your roles are working properly, make sure that you have set up the role correctly, with the correct permissions and colors. Additionally, make sure that the role is assigned to the correct users.

Another possible reason why Discord roles might not be working is that the server is too large. If you have a lot of users in your server, it can be difficult for Discord to keep track of all the roles and permissions. To fix this, try reducing the size of your server or splitting it into multiple servers.

Finally, it is possible that the Discord server is experiencing technical difficulties. If this is the case, try restarting the server or checking for any updates. If the issue persists, you may need to contact Discord support for further assistance.

How to Fix Discord Roles Not Working

If your Discord roles are not working as expected, there are a few things you can do to try and fix the issue. First, make sure that the role is set up properly, with the correct permissions and colors. Additionally, make sure that the role is assigned to the correct users. If the issue is due to a large server, try reducing the size of your server or splitting it into multiple servers.

If the issue persists, try restarting the server or checking for any updates. If the issue still persists, contact Discord support for further assistance. They may be able to help you troubleshoot the issue and get your Discord roles working again.


Discord roles are a great way to organize and manage your server, but sometimes they can stop working. If your Discord roles are not working, make sure that the role is set up properly, and that it is assigned to the correct users. Additionally, make sure that the server is not too large, and try restarting the server or checking for any updates. If the issue persists, contact Discord support for further assistance.

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